Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

Let's see...where was I? Pizza...More of that story in a moment. I woke up this morning to the little cry of a little man with cold feet. Bo cried out at 10 til 6 this morning. I knew he wasn't hungry and he wasn't wet, so I brought him into our bed in hopes of getting a few more minutes of shut eye before the Christmas morning blitz began. We tussled for about 15 mintues then he got really still and began snoring. My eyes were heavy. I dozed back off. Brad and I were up until mid-night last night getting everything ready for this morning.
We watched The Nativity Story as a family last night. Faith, Mary had some faith. Joseph has some faith. WOW! We had seen the movied before, but in light of the season watching the story gave pause to really consider the words spoken to both Mary and Joseph and their reactions. God's plans - think about that one for a moment... God become flesh...I can't even get my mind around that. God become flesh...oh, the great, great love of Jesus...the great, great love of the Father. Sometimes I bask in it - other times I miss it all together. The love of God - a great mystery.
Pitter-patter and tiny voices were heard sometime between 7 and 7:30am. Straining to listen, a smile spread across my face as I overheard my wild bunch talking excitedly about their "Santa" gifts.
(We don't celebrate Santa at our house - they all know that St. Nickolas was a very generous man of long ago - but just ask Riley about Santa and he'll tell you quite frankly...Santa is dead. I have, however, warned them to keep this little detail about Santa to themselves...in essence...don't spoil it for others. It doesn't minimize the excitment of Christmas morning for them at all. More so I think our experience of the season is enhanced. Sure, they are kids and they love the gift aspect of this time of year, but the focus is kept on Christ and the real reason why we give and receive gifts.)
Okay...that was a long parenthetical statement...
Back to the excited crew checking out their new "stuff." Blessed was my heart as I heard..."that's really cool"..."wow, just what I wanted"..."that one is yours"..."check it out." Rejoicing...they were rejoicing with one another about the gifts they had been given. No..."hey, that's not fair"..."I don't like that"..."why didn't I get one of those." We have had one of the most delightful Christmas days that I can remember.
It cracks me up...Riley LOVES, I mean LOVES SpongeBob. All he asked for for Christmas was a SpongeBob umbrella and hat. Yet, he wasn't even dissappointed when he opened all our gifts and the gifts from my family and there was no SpongeBob anything to be found. Imagine his suprise when Granny (Brad's mom) shows up with...can you guess it...a SpongeBob umrella, hat and gloves. He was ecstatic - elated - beside himself.
Sydney is set for the rest of her natural life with lip gloss, nail polish, eye shadow, blush, and girlie-stuff. I think her lips were actually touching the edges of both ears she was smiling so hard.
James is now #12 Brandon Cox...even though his hersey reads #34. Cool, dude!
Sara Joy's favorite was the furry talking and walking puppy and ofcourse all the Dora paraphanalia she got. She was making us all laught this morning with her exclamations and facial expressions.
Madelyn...cha-ching...the dollar signs are spinning. She was so excited for the little kids and all their toys.
Bo was just a squealing - glad to be a part of all the action.
It's moments like these when my heart says, "Thank you...thank you for all these little people who bless this family so much." All day my heart has been smiling and singing and taking it all in. I have so very much for which to be thankful!
Okay...MarioKart with Brad and the kids is calling...we'll pick back up with the pizza story another day. Celebrate all that Christ came to give you! Merry Christmas!!!!!!

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