Summer - time to kick back and relax and enjoy life - no hurrying or rushing around to get the kids off to school or picked up from school - no extracurricular activities to attend - no real set agenda - except...visits to "Granny's." Growing up me and Neal and Jenny spent lots and lots of time with Mom and Pop in Dothan and at "the farm." ((We had lots of great times with Granny and Granddaddy (coke in baby bottles and melted cheese), too, but every summer my mind goes back to M&P and the farm.)) Wow - those are some of the best memories I have. Even now as I type, I am remembering "exploring" along the creek bed wading through its several-inch-high stream and stacking rock after rock - one on top of another, to the side of another, in front of the other - to dam it up so we could have a little swimming hole. Inside each one of us, like all kids, resided a longing to discover and exlpore and imagine a fantastical world and somehow, someway make that world come alive. I am there now - hearing the giggles and squeals - seeing the toothy grins - smelling the fresh crisp river water - feeling the damp southern heat smack dab in the middle of the summer. I'm gonna go see if I can rustle up a picture.
That brings me back to the here and now. My kids have what me and my brother and sister have with Brad's Mom and Dad. So...the "Granny" visits are in full swing.Sara Joy and Bo were the first two to go. Loaded down with these backpacks they were all smiles. Bo couldn't even stand up! They had a blast!
AND...while they were gone we had a painting day. The Shoe got a mini face-lift. My camera was out and ready. I had every intention to take pictures of all of us working like mad, but...I forgot. The day was whinding down and I remembered too late...oh well. I had wanted to take pictures to testify to the graciousness and kindness of our friends. For about 10 hours that Saturday we were loved on and encouraged by God through these friends - CCIA - Christian Community in Action. God is so good. A friend of mine said after I had recounted the day to her, "It was as if God were giving you hugs all day long." YEP! And it is so good to be hugged! :)
Sydney and Riley took turns next. Paw-paw built the kids a mega play set in their backyard in Bay Minette so they were really looking forward to playing on it. And they have a little paddle boat for a small pond they dug out in their field that held water when it rained. And of course, they get seemingly unlimited trips to the Dollar General and Dollar Tree. What kid wouldn't think this is a little slice of heaven? We went down over the Memorial Day holiday to pick up everyone and leave James. Whew - it was nice to have a change of scenary. We have not been out of town (aside from my Granny's funeral) in a really long time. James decided he didn't want to stay by himself he wanted one of his brothers or sisters to stay and play, too. He and Sydney stayed a week. James is such a great kid!
Madelyn has been "getting in her beach time" (those were her words to me when she called to see if she could stay longer) down at her Gramma's in Destin - lucky dog! I think she's a little home-sick. She'll be home tonight then leaves again in the a.m. for Seattle. One of her aunts lives there and gave her a round-trip ticket for her b'day and Christmas. She'll be home for a couple of weeks in June and early July then she leaves again to work at Camp Marannook. What an awesome experience for her to have. Camp Marannook is reknown (did I spell that right?!?!) for its focus on spiritual impact. Not only do these kids have a blast at summer camp, but they are discipled and encouraged.
Okay...don't look at the date on this pic. I know it's from last year, but I needed to find one of us that showed his "goofy" side. Brad Sims is the peanut butter on my graham cracker. One of these days I'm gonna do a whole post just on "the old man" of our shoe. You'll be blessed by reading it when I do. I not only love him, but am in love with him. Thinking about him now brings a smile to my face and a little flutter to my heart! (Can anyone say, "Corny!") He was made for me and I am beginning to believe that I was made for him. Like peas and carrots. (Can you hear Forrest Gump?)
Isn't she just the cutest little thing? She (Carrie) brightens my day with her sweet smile. Good as gold. A mother's love never runs dry I don't guess, because my heart still feels so full I am almost certain it will burst. What if it did burst? I am seeing little splashs of rainbow colored goop all over the walls. (Okay that was a little weird?!) But really think about it - I don't mean literally, but figuratively - what if your heart burst open - what would come out? That's something to ponder - hmm - sigh - I am pondering...yep, I think it would be rainbow colored goop. Cool!
Summer is in full swing at our house so just my being able to sit down and gather my thoughts and have time to blog is a gift of grace. God makes me smile! :) He really does care about every single detail of our lives - and not only does He care - He is interested as well. Now that is something to really ponder!
Some really neat things are on the horizon for the Sims' family. No details will be released at this time, but it's exciting because it's a God-thing; a God-sized thing. He is speaking and we are hearing and actually following. Pray for us as the Lord puts us on your heart. His plan is perfect and timing impeccable!
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
Psalm 20:7
You have such a precious family! I will be praying for you as the Lord brings you to mind.
Hey Jamie,
It's me Jane H from dothan. I just found your site off of Tami's. I can't believe how old Madelyn is now... not to mention how much bigger your family has gotten. I bet you guys have so much fun. Well just wanted to let you know I visited your blog. Baby Carrie is beautiful!! we are at peachesandpeanuts.blogspot
Hope all is well.
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