Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Taste and See...

“I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.  Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.  This poor man called and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.  The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.  Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.  Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing.” Psalm 34

God is good.  Do I believe that?  Do I really believe that?
Larry Crabb wrote in his book,  The Pressure’s Off, “It’s time to shed our cynicism, to move beyond non-sacrificial living, and to abandon everything in the way of a deep experience of God.  I hope you’re desperate for a divine encounter, a genuine, non-contrived, deeply felt meeting with God that both exposes sinful pleasures as cheap counterfeits of soul joy and reveals to us that our nervousness about whether our lives will turn out well is an insult to the God who gives Himself and says, ‘Enjoy the feast!’” 

Taste and see that the Lord is good. 

I have become convinced that everything that comes to me has been filtered through the love of God.  I can be confident, because of His love, that whatever comes my way will be used to grow me, refine me, humble me, or bless me.

It’s as if there is a heavenly filter between this physical existence and the spiritual realm; a filter, comprised of His love, His sovereignty, His plans and His purposes.

One afternoon a question came to mind, “If everything that comes to me is filtered through my Father’s heart, and I really believe that then why do I so often miss His love and goodness?” "Why am I so quick to question or accuse?" The answer came so quickly it startled me; “You have filters coverings you, too, Jami – and your filters aren't like Mine.”

Well that had never crossed my mind before... I have filters covering me.  We all have filters; perspective or perception from which we form opinions, make assessments, pass judgments, and construct evaluations.

Jesus told His disciples during the Sermon on the Mount that, “The eye is the lamp of the body.  If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness."

If our filters are dirty we won’t be able to properly perceive or receive God’s love.  We’ll miss His goodness; miss seeing His divine providence.

My filters certainly aren't like Gods; mine get yucky – clogged with things such as rejection, hurt, failure, frustration, disappointment,  judgment of myself, judgment of others, shame, guilt, fear, anger, bitterness, desire to control my life, self-protection, self-righteousness, selfishness, self-pity, self-condemnation, negative talk, and plenty of other things; you get the idea.  With junk like this no wonder my perspective and perception gets skewed.

I want clean filters so I can perceive and receive God’s love - so I can experience His goodness. 

A few years ago, I woke up with these words on my heart, “sanctify and consecrate yourselves, for the Lord is about to do a new thing.” Weird...kinda...then again...not-so-much.

God is seeking to do a new thing in me. He’s pouring over me the truth that He is sovereign and in COMPLETE control. I am a slow-learner. (Can i repeat that...I am a sssslllloooooooowww learner.) It’s not easy.  Sometimes it hurts. Yet, If I don't set myself apart as His...then I will miss His work in me and around me...even through me. 

God is asking me, “Will you go with me?”  

God gives us opportunity after opportunity to prepare ourselves - to be cleansed – to allow Him to wash our filters clean. He never grows tired or impatient with us...I think most us qualify as remedial-learners.  ...because He will present us as holy and blameless.  He will do it. He will.

He is asking, “Will you go with me?”

Everything we go through; every ditch in the road, every obstacle in the path, every blessing beyond measure is an invitation from our Father to go with Him; to be cleansed by His presence; to perceive and receive His love and live in unity with Him and with others.  Moment by moment giving and going.

Let us come before Him and be washed in His love so that we can join Him at the table and partake of the FEAST.  Taste and see...that He is good.

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